Event: GAS & HEATING CHINA 2009
  Schedule: 2nd-4th June, 2009
  Location: Qujiang International Conference & Exhibition Center (QICEC) / Xian, China
  Host Organizer: China Gas Association
  Description: GAS CHINA 2009 Exhibition is sponsored by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China (MOUHURD) and organized by the China Gas Association, known as CGA. MOUHURD in China acts as a governing body in the comprehensive management of the whole nation's construction, including civil construction engineering, urban and rural development, construction and building industry, property and real estate, urban services etc. MOUHURD therefore, plays a leading and influential role in the development of the nation's construction.
  Exhibits: Air-Suction Type Transportable Gas Generator; PA-13A-4 / PA-60
Low pressure Regulators for Household ; H5-EX, SGF-15
Stainless Regulator: AM-150 / AC-15
Gas Leak Detecting Box: HLB-3
Liquid Phase LPG Supply System:Automatic Liquid Change-Over (LAX-20CR), Electric heating Type Vaporiser (LDV-100), Electric heating source
Earthquake-Proof Systems :Sensor , Shut-off Valves

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